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Fitness. Nutrition. Life.

Hi, I'm Kim

I made it my personal mission to change as many lives as possible through health and fitness because of the realization of being strong means more freedom and confidence to truly live out your adventure!


To have the confidence in your own body to do whatever you ask your body to do!


If you’re looking to make a change in your health & fitness to build your self-confidence, I am here to help in every way I can as your coach… to take the guess work of what to do off your plate, to help you build the right habits, and to help shift your mindset from "I can't" to "I ABSOLUTELY CAN".


The best time was to start yesterday, but today is the second best time!



Every person is different when it comes to nutrition coaching and strength coaching. That is the approach I have with my coaching. I tailor my coaching based on your individual goals, needs, and wants.
I take where you are starting, create a plan to get you to where you want to go.



-Customized Nutrition Plan based on your needs, preferences, and goals. I make adjustments as needed based on your body’s feedback and any struggles you may have.

-Customized Workout Programs based on your needs, goals and equipment availability

-Weekly 30min check-in call to go over your program, make adjustments as needed and/or set new goals to keep you on track

-Priority Communication and unlimited access to me

-Custom Supplement recommendations based on needs and goals

Client Wins

Stop waiting for the "right time" to focus on your health. 
There will never be a right time unless you make time. 
Let me help you reach your goals faster!

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